
Waves at the
bottom of the Ocean

Spanien 19 C, Aarhus, 2019

- The free water masses intertwine bacteria and diatoms
with baleen whales, giant octopuses
sea mice, sea sausages and sand worms

Spanien19C is transformed into a sculptural laboratory for the unknown landscapes at the bottom of the sea. A marginal zone, a moment when a grain of sand dreams of becoming a mountain again. The exhibition deals with the relationship between the virtual and the physical landscape in a sculptural study of the seabed and raw material extraction at sea. How do we ascertain and experience the geological age of our planet and the changes in the landscape that are constantly created? How do we store our ideas and data about the landscape? Raw materials such as sand and gravel are increasingly extracted from the seabed around us. The raw materials in the underground are a natural resource that cannot be regenerated, and the extraction affects the environment in both the short and long term, the shape of the landscape changes and the water cycle changes. What happens to the landscape and our idea of nature when you remove and move around the underground?

New sculptures derived from 3D scans of the seabed mingle with sand sculptures, laser-engraved reliefs and a final message from recently departed geologist...

Photo: Mikkel Kaldal